The Royal Southern Yacht Club (RSrnYC) organised and hosted events for the Hamble community to commemorate the 80th Anniversary of D-Day on the 6th June 2024 in partnership with the Hamble Parish Council. In total £1670 was raised for the designated D-Day 80 charities.

A successful and well attended coffee morning was held at the RSrnYC with a model display of landing craft and WW2 aeroplanes which were viewed by pupils from Year 7 of The Hamble School in preparation for their studies of WW2.

In the evening, The Spitfires Marching Band, the Royal British Legion, local school children from Hamble Primary and senior schools, scout and guide groups met in the Square and processed to RSrnYC, followed by a crowd of Hamble residents.

A Remembrance Service on the deck of the RSrnYC was led by the Bishop of Southampton with readings by Mr Jon Whitaker JP DL (representing HM Lord-Lieutenant of Hampshire), Cllr Chris Jones (Chair of Hamble Parish Council), Marion O’Malley, whose Father participated in the D-Day campaign and Sarah Valleley (Deputy Headteacher of The Hamble School).

Accompanied by Demian Smith playing the bagpipes, there followed the lighting of the D-Day 80th Anniversary Beacon by Cllr David Pragnell, The Worshipful The Mayor of Eastleigh.

In total over 500 people from the Hamble Peninsula communities took part.

Following the formal proceedings everyone joined together at the RSrnYC for a sing-song of WW2 songs led by the Hamble River Singers.

Richard Konarek, a Director of RSrnYC and event organiser, commented; “We were honoured to have partnered with Hamble Parish Council to organise these events, and are delighted that so many people participate, especially the schoolchildren, scouts and guides. It is important that the events of D-Day are remembered. Commemorations took place all over England and France and we are humbled to have been able to play our part.”