Car Park

Our private car park has the capacity for up to 100 cars, with allocated disabled parking.

The facility may be temporarily restricted at any time to accommodate Club events.

The Club will endeavour to provide Members with reasonable notice of any restrictions.

Cars may not be left for a period that covers more than one weekend unless the Sailing Office or Bosun has been informed.

Any car left for longer than forty-eight hours will park in the north west section of the car park.

Parking is available to Members who purchase a parking permit.

For application please contact the Membership Administrator at:

The Bosun is based in the Sailing Office next to the Car Park.

Hours of operation:

(from clock change to clock change)

  • Monday – Thursday
  • Friday – Sunday

(from clock change to clock change)

  • Tuesday – Sunday

The Bosun can be contacted through:

The Launch runs based on the Spring and Autumn clock changes. The operational area for the launch is river moorings from the mouth of the river to Mercury Marina. The launch will NOT normally pick up or deliver to marinas or pontoons connected to the shore. During Club events and regattas priority will be given to participants/competitors.

The launch may not be called later than 30 minutes before the launch service ends. The maximum number of persons to be carried by the launch is 10. The Bosun has authority to reduce the maximum if they consider that it is necessary and has the authority to refuse to operate the launch if they believe it is unsafe to do so. Calls to the Club launch are to be made by calling 07900 872461 .

During regattas or other on the water events the service may be amended accordingly.

As agreed by the Executive Committee there will be an annual charge of £100.00 or a £2.50 per trip charge. To sign up for the annual charge please log into your account where you can purchase a permit. The permit is for the boat, so it covers anyone visiting that boat.

The crane is for the use of Members and competitors boats only.

The weight limit for the use of the crane is 3 tonnes.

All strops/slings used on the crane must have a valid strop test certificate; on no account may the crane be operated with strops/slings that are not correctly tested and approved.

The Club has sets of strops and slings which have been correctly certified.

The crane may only be operated by the Bosuns or by Members who have attended and passed appropriate training sessions; operation is at their own risk. Other members and competitors can book the facility through the Sailing Office but may not operate the crane.

The Crane key will be held by the duty Bosun, or outside the Bosuns’ hours of duty, by Reception. It will be issued to authorised users upon request, and must be returned immediately after the launch or lift.

Any damage or loss will be the liability of the person to whom the key was issued.

Other than the authorised user all other persons must keep clear whilst the crane is in operation. Non-members are not insured to use the crane.

Boats must not be left unattended underneath the crane, and must leave this pontoon if the crane is in use.

There are a number of club tenders available for members’ use, equipped with a pair of rowlocks and oars.

When not in use the oars and rowlocks should be stowed in a Seamanlike manner, and not left in their sockets.

Tenders should be returned to their normal position immediately after use, and never left on moorings when the yacht is absent without good reason.

Please look after the tenders, and report any damage or deficiency to the Bosuns immediately.

Showers and Toilets are available to Members for use after sailing and associated activities.

These are located on the first floor near the Sailing Office, with disabled facilities available on the ground floor.

The Sailing Wing can be accessed using your membership card. Visitors can access using a temporary code from reception.

The Club has a power washer for the use of Members. This must be booked with the Bosuns and must not be used by anyone under the age of 18.